Retreats, In-depth Temple Tours, Ceremonies, and Care Training
in Japan’s Sacred Spaces


“Deep healing and immersive life changing experience,
away from the big tourist crowds.”

Upcoming Events

Ishiyama-dera Day-long Retreat

An in-depth tour with symbols, background, and practices of this amazing 1300-year-old temple, slowly taught around several sample meditation practices from the tradition.

Mountain Hiking and Healing

A slow contemplative walk through parts of the sacred mountains surrounding Kyoto, with meditations and traditional mountain ascetic ceremony along the way.

Workshops to cultivate the heart

Join workshops for building resilience, cultivating healthy compassion, becoming a better care provider, training as a clinical meditation teacher, crisis care, learning various forms of mindfulness, and deepening concentration.

Upcoming Tours & EXPERIENCES

Escape the high tourist areas, and explore the beauty and wonder of Japan with deep immersive retreats and learning experiences in sacred sites and the depths of nature.